Bicentennial 2024: First Florida Capitol Reconstruction
A log cabin was built as one of the first Florida Capitol. Other log cabins were built for Legislative buildings. It’s unsure exactly what these cabins looked like or how big they were as no contemporary plans have been found. Guesses on the construction have been made based on other cabins from the time.
For the 1924 centennial and the 1974 sesquicentennial, a replica of a log cabin was created to celebrate the city of Tallahassee. The 1974 replica was moved to the Tallahassee Museum (until 1988). Both of these cabins were on the grounds of the current Capitol Building.
For the 2024 Bicentennial, Tallahassee’s Mayor John Dailey has commissioned the project to build a third reconstructed cabin. This cabin will be built in Cascades Park to be unveiled at the Bicentennial Festival on November 10, 2024.
Replica of Florida's first capitol building - Tallahassee, Florida.
Via: Florida Memory/(State Archives of Florida)
The Build:
To build the cabin, volunteers across Tallahassee are coming together under the guidance of Habitat for Humanity, the City of Tallahassee, and the Friends of First Florida Capitol, Inc.
The cabin is a simple, one-room house; similar to the 1974 version.
There will be five build days:
July 30, 2024 at 5:30 PM
August 1, 2024 at 5:30 PM
August 6, 2024 at 5:30 PM
August 8, 2024 at 5:30 PM
August 13, 2024 at 5:30 PM
To sign up for the build, register on the community build website and fill out the volunteer form. You can pick one day or as many as you would like.
Sign on replica of Florida's first capitol building - Tallahassee, Florida
Source: Florida Memory/(State Archives of Florida)
Other ways to get involved:
Docent - There will be tours after the replica Capitol is built and the Friends of First Florida Capitol, Inc. are looking for volunteers to lead tours. To sign up for this, fill out an information questionnaire on the website.
Sponsorship - There are three levels of financial sponsorship available. More information can be found on the Sponsorship webpage.
***From the First Florida Capitol Webpage about the Friends of Florida First Capitol, Inc.: The efforts of this project are made possible by the City of Tallahassee and Friends of First Florida Capitol, Inc., a non-profit, charitable and educational organization exclusively in support of Tallahassee's First Florida Capitol exhibit.